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CAT Passwords Manager

CAT Passwords Manager manages Fixed and One Time Passwords


CAT Passwords Manager and One Time Passwords "Fixed manages
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Internet / Intranet Strong Authentication and SMEs, Etnetrprises and Identity Management solution for ISPs to provide eAuthentication Services web sites hosted.

In the near future, businesses, a secure web site that does not exist yet. Why? Simple - because the competition will be a secure site. Existing technologies today sites is guaranteed. Customers who are insecure. They are sensitive to phishing and identity to steal. Protects itself by protecting business customers.

CAT web servers Strong Authentication and Identity Management offers. Your anonymous customers, visit and register your site, One Time Password you can use to generate the CAT OTP token will be. You, at no additional cost, and you? Ã,  ¢? T customers have to know donÃ.

Is an affordable solution CAT, CAT OTP Tokens, easy FREE delivery problems will be no, TFA OTP strong authentication by the secure, CAT Secured Internet Sites can manage any number to distribute / Intranets no hidden costs, does not use SMS or communication.

5 users package is free. CAT Passwords Manager 4.0 can now download free.

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